Each of us seem to be waiting for something in life. Waiting for something to happen that will fulfill out hopes and dreams, that will lift us up, that we can point to and say “This is what matters”.

Our souls ache, as each of us search for this thing. This thing elusive and intangible that we may never know what it truly is. Some spend their entire lives trying to find it, while others give up before the journey has begun.

No matter where you are in that journey, you must never stop moving forward. Never stop living. If you do, your ambition will fade, and your dreams will turn to dust. Stagnation soon follows, which leads to complacency, which leads to a mind filled with “What ifs” and “What could have been” as you slip from this world.

Life is hard, and many of us will never know peace. However, if we can each carve out just a little bit of happiness before the end, and help our fellow man along the way, then we can say that we have lived well.

Help those you meet travel their chosen path, and become part of their journey towards something greater than themselves. For in the end, you will not be remembered for what you did for yourself, you will be remembered for what you did for others.

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