The Story So Far...

We never have enough time to explore who we are truly are, and discover who we are meant to be. I have been many things, but what they are leading towards I do not know.

I’ve lived as an Artist, blessed to given the opportunity to bring people of all backgrounds together through music.

      Without ego, we share with those who would listen.

I’ve lived as a Solider, walking among citizens of far flung lands. Trying to help as many as I could with the opportunity I was given, yet only being able to protect precious few.

      Without Fear, we sacrifice to protect the innocent.

I’ve lived as a Writer, trying to put of all I have seen down on paper, all the while hoping my words would inspire at least one individual to something strive for something better than they have now.

      Without greed, we give to those who would benefit.

With all that I’ve been, and all that I have seen, I wish for one thing. That the Universe will give me the strength and wisdom to help as many as I can, to be an exemplar for others to follow, and to make a difference before my time is over.  



Love, Faith, Hope, Peace